Virus Z: A Thought Experiment
July 1, 2021
What's striking about our thought experiment is how little reliable data we have about
the transmissibility of our hypothetical Virus Z and the long-term consequences of
its mutations.
Let's run a thought experiment on a hypothetical virus we'll call Virus Z,
a run-of-the-mill respiratory variety not much different from other viruses which are 1) very small;
2) mutate rapidly and 3) infect human cells and modify the cellular machinery to produce
more viral particles.
Like other viruses, Virus Z continually improves the odds of future replication
via the natural selection of any mutations which improve its replication capabilities.
Since viruses need host cells to replicate, the key advantages selected through mutation
are evading hosts' immune responses to invading viruses.
As in all organisms in which advantageous mutations arise and eventually spread throughout the
organism's genetic instructions, the natural selection of mutations in viruses is not
teleological, meaning there is no set goal to the evolutionary process other than
whatever is advantageous in a particular setting.
To use a football analogy, the viral mutations don't have a goal of advancing 10 yards to get
a first down and continue down the field to score a touchdown. Any mutation which helps the virus
evade getting tackled by the host immune system is conserved, as the viruses which get tackled
and gobbled up by the immune system are no longer replicating, while the virus which evades
the immune system continues replicating. Whatever mutations that enable it to evade getting
tackled are conserved in the genetic coding of all future viruses.
In our thought experiment, Virus Z is a novel respiratory virus, i.e. it spreads
via particles of moisture exhaled by human hosts, so most human hosts don't have
a natural immunity to it because their body's immune system has never encountered it before.
As a result, many people exposed to Virus Z become ill as the virus triggers an immune response
(inflammation, fever, congestion) which disrupts various processes (oxygen uptake, digestion, etc.)
Like many other pathogens, Virus Z leads to the death of some infected people with
compromised or weakened immune systems. In our thought experiment, Virus Z leads to
the hospitalization of a percentage of infected people and the death of around 2% of all
people who contract the illness.
This is not an exceptional rate in human history, and like many other pathogens, Virus Z
tends to sicken the old and frail who have less robust immune systems.
But nonetheless, 2% is not zero, and so bioscience develops a vaccine to Virus Z which successfully
reduces the severity of the illness and this naturally lowers the rate of those dying from
the viral illness.
The vaccine is tested for one goal: does it reduce the severity of the illness or not?
As a result of this goal and the testing protocol, it's unknown if the virus can remain
at low levels in vaccinated individuals and be transmissible to others.
In other words, it's unknown if some vaccinated individuals might be contagious even though
they exhibit no symptoms of illness.
Just as flu shots are not 100% effective against all strains of influenza, it turns out
the Virus Z vaccine is highly effective in reducing the odds of contracting the virus
and the severity of any subsequent illness, but it doesn't reduce the transmissibility to zero
or the number of those who become ill despite being vaccinated to zero.
Since it's not practical to constantly test every vaccinated individual, the number of
vaccinated individuals who still harbor low levels of virus while being symptom-free
(i.e. asymptomatic) is unknown. A vaccinated individual might be virus-free but then
be reinfected by exposure to a new variant that survives the immune onslaught but does
not generate symptoms.
So in this pool of X number of vaccinated individuals, the virus continues to mutate, with
those mutations which help the virus evade the vaccine-enhanced immune system of the host
being the mutations which are conserved, as the viruses which get tackled by the immune system
no longer replicate while those with the helpful mutation continue replicating.
The viruses which evade the immune system tacklers are also selected for improved
transmissibility, meaning those with limited transmissibility don't infect other hosts
while those with improved transmissibility (i.e. are more contagious) spread with relative
ease to other hosts, both unvaccinated and vaccinated, as the vaccine suppresses transmissibility
but doesn't reduce it to zeeo.
Since the goal of the vaccine program was to reduce the number of those becoming severely ill
and requiring hospitalization, the system only counts individuals who become ill enough to
require hospitalization: those hospitalized are tabulated in two fields, unvaccinated or vaccinated.
As expected, the majority of those hospitalized with severe illness are unvaccinated, as
the vaccine effectively reduced the number of people who develop severe cases after
contracting the disease.
What the vaccine doesn't do is reduce the number of vaccinated people who contract the disease to
zero, nor does it reduce the transmissibility of vaccinated carriers of the virus to zero.
This means some unknown percentage (unknown because it's not practical to routinely
test tens of millions of people) of vaccinated individuals become carriers of the virus.
Some unknown percentage will contract the illness but not severely enough to require
hospitalization, so they won't be counted by the system. A relative few will require
hospitalization, and will be counted as "breakthrough cases," i.e. vaccinated individuals
who contracted the virus, became ill and required hospitalization.
But because the system doesn't count vaccinated people who become ill and stay at home,
the number of officially tallied "breakthrough cases" is an undercount of the total number.
Since relatively few vaccinated individuals who are ill at home will drag themselves to a
testing facility to confirm they have Virus Z, the total number of vaccinated individuals
who are carriers (i.e. are contagious) and who became ill enough to stay home is also unknown.
Like many other viruses, Virus Z triggers long-term debilitating symptoms in a percentage
of those who become ill, and some percentage of these long-term effects occur in individuals
whose illness was relatively mild. Since it's it's not practical to routinely
test tens of millions of vaccinated individuals, the number who contracted the illness and
are experiencing long-term debilitating symptoms is unknown.
What we do know via careful contract tracing is that one vaccinated individual transmitted
the virus to 20 other people, both unvaccinated and vaccinated, in one encounter in an
enclosed space, and this variant is genetically distinct from the initial Virus Z.
This is worrisome, as the transmissibility of a virus is more dangerous than than the mortality
rate of those infected. If a virus with low transmissibility causes the death of 5% of those
who contract the illness, and it sickens 1,000 people, then 50 of those stricken will die.
A highly transmissible virus with a mortality rate of 2% may appear less dangerous, but if it
sickens 100,000 people and 2% die, that's 2,000 people who lost their lives.
Since the virus has been mutating in X number of vaccinated individuals at a rate of mutation
typical of viruses (i.e. a high rate), a small but significant number of these millions of mutations
help the mutated virus evade the host immune system and whatever advantages were conferred by
the vaccine.
Within this pool of mutations which evaded the immune system tacklers, those mutations which
also enhance transmissibility spread rapidly to other human hosts, both unvaccinated and vaccinated,
depending on the relative effectiveness of the vaccination
in each individual, the relative robustness of their immune system and a variety of other
complex factors such as partial natural immunity, exposure to previous variants of Virus Z
and so on.
Within this pool of mutations that enhance transmissibility, some percentage will enhance
transmissibility to younger, healthier individuals who were less susceptible to the initial
Virus Z.
What's striking about our thought experiment is how little reliable data we have about
the transmissibility of our hypothetical Virus Z and the long-term consequences of
its mutations.
What's striking is the number of important data fields which are unknown, only haphazardly
collected, or in which data is so incomplete that it is misleading.
Science cannot advance if data is unavailable, unreliable or so selectively gathered that it's
misleading. What's striking about our thought experiment is how little is reliably known
about Virus Z's transmissibility, virulence or long-term effects.
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