When Expedient "Saves" Become Permanent, Ruin Is Assured
June 28, 2021
The Fed's "choice" is as illusory as the "wealth" the Fed has created with its
perfection of moral hazard.
The belief that the Federal Reserve possesses god-like powers and wisdom would be comical if it
wasn't so deeply tragic, for the Fed doesn't even have a plan, much less wisdom. All the Fed
has is an incoherent jumble of expedient, panic-driven "saves" it cobbled together in the 2008-2009
Global Financial Meltdown that it had made inevitable.
The irony is the only thing that will still be rich when the whole rotten, corrupt, fragile
financial system of illusory stability collapses in a heap of runaway instability. The irony
is that the Fed's leaky grab-bag of expedient "saves" was not designed to ensure systemic stability,
though that was the PR cover story.
The Fed's leaky grab-bag of expedient "saves" had only one purpose: save the fat-cats, skimmers,
scammers, fraudsters and embezzlers who had gotten rich off the Fed's cloaked transfer of wealth:
the purpose of all the 2008-2009 extremes was not to impose the discipline required to truly
stabilize the financial system; the purpose was to elevate moral hazard-- the separation
of risk from the consequences of risk--to unprecedented heights, backstopping every skimmer,
scammer, fraudster and embezzler from well-deserved losses as the entire pyramid of fraud
collapsed under its own enormous weight of risky bets gone bad.
To save its cronies from the catastrophic losses that should have been taken by those making
the bets, the Fed instituted one expedient "save" after another: backstopped global banks
with $16 trillion, dropped interest rates to zero, eliminated truthful reporting by ending
mark-to-market pricing of risk, flooded the financial system with free money for financiers,
all designed to signal that the Fed will never let its cronies suffer the consequences of
their risky bets, i.e. the perfection of moral hazard.
The Fed's perfection of moral hazard has now spread to the entire market and populace:
it's not just the skimmers, scammers, fraudsters and embezzlers who are supremely confident
the Fed will never allow them to experience the consequences (i.e. crushing losses) of super-risky
bets going bad; the entire American populace now shares that supreme confidence that one
can put all of one's life savings on any roulette number (GME or AMC option, Doge cryptocurrency,
etc.) and the Fed will guarantee every roulette number is a winner--a big winner.
As a result of the Fed's perfection of moral hazard, systemic risk has exploded to unprecedented
levels. As risk cannot be extinguished, it can only be transferred, the Fed
has transferred geometrically expanding risk to the system itself.
The Fed's fig-leaf for this vast transfer of wealth to the top layer of gambler sociopaths
is the wealth effect: if the Fed triples the value of stocks, then all that new
wealth will encourage people to borrow and spend feeely, keeping the economy from the cleansing
of a recessionary contraction of risky credit.
The wealth effect was just another fraud, as the concentration of wealth in America
is so extreme that the tripling of equities only benefited the already-wealthy. All the
Fed accomplished with its grab-bag of expedient "saves" was new and destabilizing extremes of
wealth-income inequality: the earnings of the top 0.1% exploded higher 15-fold while the
earnings of the bottom 90% stagnated; virtually all the gains from the Fed's expedient
grab-bag of consequence-free winnings accrued to the top 0.1% (see charts below).
Having engineered the greatest transfer of wealth and risk in human history via its
expedient "saves" of those who shouldn't have been saved, the Fed is now trapped:
if it stops inflating the stock market, and allows consequence to re-connect with risk, then
the losses will be catastrophic for everyone who blindly believed that the Fed's powers
to suppress risk and guarantee every roulette number is a big winner was god-like.
But if they keep inflating the stock market and signaling "no one will ever lose a penny
buying stocks" (i.e. the perfection of moral hazard), then the entire system's stability
is increasingly at risk. (Not to mention the potential for rip-your-face-off inflation to
become embedded in expectations.)
By making expedient "saves" permanent policy, the Fed has ensured the destabilization of the
entire financial system. If you promise no amount of risk will ever deliver any consequence
other than "every roulette number will be a big winner," then risk rapidly approaches near-infinite
heights. If the Fed attempts to backstop and bail out every institution and punter who
believed in the Fed's power to extinguish risk, that expedient "save" will collapse the system.
Here's the Fed's choice: continue making expedient "saves" permanent policy, the system
collapses. Withdraw the guarantee that risk will never have any consequences, and the system
collapses. The Fed's "choice" is as illusory as the "wealth" the Fed has created with its
perfection of moral hazard--a perfection that could only end in the collapse of the entire
fraudulent fantasy of risk-free gains forever.
I've written a number of books on the trap of expedient "fixes" we have entered; free sample chapters can be found on
My Books:
Inequality and the Collapse of Privilege
Will You Be Richer or Poorer?
Pathfinding Our Destiny
Resistance, Revolution, Liberation
Money and Work Unchained
A Hacker's Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet
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A Hacker's Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet
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Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Profit, Power, and AI in a Traumatized World
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Pathfinding our Destiny: Preventing the Final Fall of Our Democratic Republic
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The Adventures of the Consulting Philosopher: The Disappearance of Drake
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