America's Social Order is Unraveling
June 25, 2021
The unraveling of America's social order is accelerating, and denial will not save us from
the consequences of the plundering of the social contract.
What kind of nation boasts a record-high stock market and an unraveling social order? Answer:
a failed nation, a nation that has substituted artifice for realism for far too long, a nation
that now depends on illusory phantoms of capital, prosperity and democracy to prop up a crumbling facade
of "wealth" that the populace now understands is largely in the hands of a few families and
corporations, most of which pay little to support the citizenry they dominate politically and
The social order sounds abstract, but it is all too real. The social order
has two primary components: social cohesion, the glue of common purpose and shared sacrifice
binding the social order, and the social contract, the implicit contract between the
ruling elite, the state (government) and commoners (the middle class, the working poor and
state dependents) that their labor, taxes and sacrifices will nourish a society with a level
playing field, broad-based opportunity and security.
America's social cohesion has been lost, ground under the heel of soaring inequality, a two-tiered
economic/political order, systemic unfairness and the elite's divide-and-conquer manipulation of
the political and cultural orders.
Historian Peter Turchin characterized this social unraveling as disintegrative: people no
longer find reasons to cooperate and share sacrifices to work towards a common national purpose.
Rather, they find a multitude of reasons to offload sacrifices onto others, hoard their own
wealth and seek to expand their power by accelerating the disintegrative forces.
There is no debate about the collapse of America's social contract, there are only varying
levels of self-serving denial. Commoners have awakened to the emptiness of the conventional
promise to get a college degree, work hard and you'll be rewarded with security and prosperity.
Huge swaths of America are a ransacked, decaying shell of a society reminiscent of developing nations
suffering under the jackboot of kleptocrats.
America's fast-expanding class of billionaires are doing their best to mimic the clueless
French nobility just before France's convulsive revolution in 1789: America's billionaires
bleat that they should pay more taxes while their lobbying bulldozes gigantic loopholes in the
tax code, enabling Apple and other global giants to escape U.S. taxes.
America's billionaires are busy building $500 million private yachts and private spaceships
while proclaiming their globally distributed sweatshops are raising all boats in a tide of
money conjured out of thin air by the billionaires' central bankers.
America's ruling elite has rewritten the social contract to benefit itself at the expense of
the bottom 99.9%. Studies have confirmed that the bottom 99.9% hold virtually no political
power, and the bottom 90% collect a pitiful 3% of all income generated by capital and hold
an inconsequentially thin slice of the nation's wealth.
Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018
$50 trillion in earnings has been transferred to the Financial Aristocracy from the bottom 90%
of American households over the past 45 years.
Monopoly Versus Democracy: How to End a Gilded Age
Ten percent of Americans now control 97 percent of all capital income in the country.
Nearly half of the new income generated since the global financial crisis of 2008 has gone to
the wealthiest one percent of U.S. citizens. The richest three Americans collectively have
more wealth than the poorest 160 million Americans.
As I pointed out in
Is a Cultural Revolution Brewing in America? (4/9/21), actions have consequences
and cultural revolutions result from the suppression of legitimate political expression and
the failure of the regime to meet its lofty idealistic goals.
When there is no relief valve in a collapsing social order, the
explosive pressure is eventually released in a Cultural Revolution that unleashes all
the bottled-up frustrations on elites. These frustrations have no outlet politically because
they're threatening to the status quo and therefore suppressed at every turn.
Put another way, if the pendulum is pushed to an extreme of exploitation, suppression and inequality,
when it's released, it will reach
an equivalent extreme (minus a bit of friction) at the opposite end. That could be an unexpected
but entirely foreseeable Cultural Revolution.
Those who claim that can't happen in America are safely outside the pressure cooker, protected
by a delusional confidence that since I'm doing great, everyone is doing great.
Since real political agency is no longer allowed, the pressure will find release outside the
political system. The lobbyists will still be haunting the hallways of governance, but no one
will care, for The falcon will no longer hear the falconer.
The unraveling of America's social order is accelerating, and denial will not save us from
the consequences of the plundering of the social contract.
I've written a number of books on these topics over the years; free sample chapters can be found on
My Books:
Inequality and the Collapse of Privilege
Will You Be Richer or Poorer?
Pathfinding Our Destiny
Resistance, Revolution, Liberation
Money and Work Unchained
A Hacker's Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet
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A Hacker's Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet
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The Story Behind the Book and the Introduction.
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It Always Ends The Same Way (34:33) (with Gordon Long)
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My recent books:
A Hacker's Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet
(Kindle $8.95, print $20,
audiobook $17.46)
Read the first section for free (PDF).
Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Profit, Power, and AI in a Traumatized World
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Pathfinding our Destiny: Preventing the Final Fall of Our Democratic Republic
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The Adventures of the Consulting Philosopher: The Disappearance of Drake
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Money and Work Unchained $6.95 (Kindle), $15 (print)
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