Our Imperial Presidency
November 3, 2020
Regardless of who holds the office, America's Imperial Project and its Imperial Presidency
are due for a grand reckoning.
While elections and party politics generate the emotions and headlines, the truly
consequential change in American governance has been the ascendancy of the Imperial Presidency
over the past 75 years, since the end of World War II.
As commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the Constitution grants the President
extraordinary but temporary powers in wartime. With the power to declare war
granted solely to Congress, this dangerous (in the Founders' view) expansion of Executive
power was tolerated because it was temporary and necessary in the fast-moving emergency of war.
Congress has declared war a total of five times, while U.S. armed forces have been deployed
in conflicts 300 times. So in 295 conflicts out of 300, the president had sole discretion.
Various stamps of Congressional approval of these wartime powers have been given over the
decades, but these are more for show than actual limits on presidential powers.
The extraordinary powers granted to President Roosevelt in World War II did not expire
at the end of the war. Rather, the powers of the presidency expanded along with the
National Security agencies which rose to unprecedented power in the Cold War era of 1945 -
1991. The entire alphabet soup of the National Security State--CIA, NSA, DIA, etc.--serve
the president, not Congress, which has been relegated the role of toothless oversight.
Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.'s 1973 book,
The Imperial Presidency
, introduced the term Imperial Presidency into the American lexicon.
While historians have documented the rise of Executive power at the expense of the
legislative branch and pundits have wrung their hands over this concentration of vast, often
secret power in the presidency, nobody within the status quo has addressed the
core reason behind the rise of the Imperial Presidency: America's Empire requires
a CEO/Emperor as a simple operational reality.
You can't run a global military / commercial / diplomatic empire with a slow-moving
legislative body; you need a dynamic CEO (chief executive officer) with essentially
unlimited powers to do whatever it takes to run the empire.
Empires need an emperor, and this is the history of post-WW2 America. As the
victor, the U.S. emerged with a global reach and power that can only be described as imperial.
While the USSR soon gained military parity with nuclear weapons and vast tank armies
aimed at Western Europe, the commercial empire was solely American.
While some cheered America's global empire and others shouldered it as a necessary Cold war
burden, the status quo relished the immense expansion of centralized bureaucratic and
executive powers.
An Imperial President requires the Imperial machinery of global hegemony, and so the
National Security State replaced the elected government as the real power. For a peek
behind the curtain of the Imperial Presidency's powers, please read
The Enemies Briefcase: Secret powers and the presidency. (via Cheryl A.)
The last time the U.S. Congress pushed back against the Imperial Presidency and
Security Agencies was 45 years ago, in 1975. In
response to the domestic over-reach of the ImperialPresidency (Watergate) and the security
agencies (COINTELPRO, etc.), the Church Committee undertook the first comprehensive
review of the presidency's expansive secret powers and the secret powers wielded by
the National Security State.
The domestic abuses of power by the FBI and CIA included
the blatantly illegal COINTELPRO programs aimed at destroying the anti-war / civil rights
movements in the 1960s and early 1970s.
We know from the Church Committee reports that the FBI and CIA broke numerous federal laws
and violated every constitutional limit on their powers as a matter of daily policy.
The abuses of power were not the work of rogue agents or even rogue
agencies; the abuses were SOP (standard operating procedures) for the Imperial machinery
of the presidency and the security agencies that served the essentially unlimited power
of the Imperial presidency.
For more on COINTELPRO, please read War at Home: Covert action against U.S. activists and what we
can do about it
Cointelpro: The FBI's Secret War on Political Freedom.
Empires arise, evolve and collapse just like nations.
Edward Luttwak's insightful book
The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire:
From the First Century CE to the Third outlines the three stages of Empire.
Luttwak describes the first stage of expansion thusly:
"With brutal simplicity, it might be said that with the first system the Romans of the republic
conquered much to serve the interests of the few, those living in the city--and in fact
still fewer, those best placed to control policy."
The second stage spread the benefits of Empire much more broadly:
"During the first century A.D., Roman ideas evolved toward a much broader and
altogether more benevolent conception of empire... men born in lands far from Rome could call
themselves Roman and have their claim fully allowed, and the frontiers were efficiently
defended to defend the growing prosperity of all, and not merely the privileged."
The third stage is one of rising inequality:
"In the wake of the great crisis of the third century, the provision of security became an
increasingly heavy charge on society, a charge unevenly distributed, which could enrich the
wealthy and ruin the poor. The machinery of empire now became increasingly self-serving,
with its tax collectors, administrators and soldiers of much greater use to one another
than to society at large."
That line describes the American state and central bank (the Federal Reserve) perfectly.
As the Imperial Presidency's powers have expanded to the top of the S-Curve, so too
has self-serving greed supported by everyday abuses of power reached new heights.
Who's benefited mightily from Imperial over-reach? As the chart below indicates, the top
1% of America's power elite has benefited to a degree that's unmatched around the world.
The military-industrial sector has prospered (see chart below) as have the agencies of the
National Security State. As for the bottom 99%: suck it up, debt-serfs and tax donkeys:
yours is not to make a reply or reason why, yours is to do and die.
Regardless of who holds the office, America's Imperial Project and its Imperial Presidency
are due for a grand reckoning. Empires require an emperor, and
perhaps America will finally tire of its self-serving Empire and its Imperial Presidency.
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A Hacker's Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet
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Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Profit, Power, and AI in a Traumatized World
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Pathfinding our Destiny: Preventing the Final Fall of Our Democratic Republic
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