Readers' Picks: Books and Movies Extravaganza
(October 13, 2007)
Knowledgeable readers added to our trove of book and film recommendations. John U. submitted a selection of
classic World War II books and films, Don E. sent in a list of some of his favorite films and Johnn K.
added a recent biography of Samuel Adams.
As I have mentioned before, I link the books and films to amazon.com mostly for the reviews
posted there by other readers/viewers, which are almost always interesting and helpful. If
you purchase any book or film on amazon.com from this site, I receive a small commission--
you pay no more than if you went to amazon.com from a blank browser window. If you borrow
or rent a book or film, the reviews posted on amazon will probably assist your selections.
John U.
The Forgotten Soldier
by Guy Sajer is an impressive read. After
reading it, it makes our military's sacrifices on the ground seem like
not much, compared to the hell of the eastern front, and what the
Russians endured. Guy was an Alsatian that signed up for the Wehrmacht
and spent 3 years, and somehow survived.
The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom
by Slavomir Rawicz is an account of a 4,000 mile walk
from the gulags of Siberia to India, by a Polish army officer.
Soldier of Orange
is one the most impressive WW2 films I know. Set in
Holland, it seems 100% real, compared to most WW2 films that leave a lot
to be desired.
Mud Beneath My Boots: A Poignant Memoir of the Effects of War on a Young New Zealander
by Allan Marriott is a newer WW 1 book, about a
New Zealander that spent nearly the entire war in the trenches, poignant
and seldom have the horrors of WW1 been so well documented by one man.
p.s.: We now have been in Iraq, longer than World War 1 lasted... yikes.
Don E.
Just saw a very good war film i'd never heard of: USSR film,
Come and See
it is an essentially plotless film that follows a youth off to join the resistance in
Byeloruss. one thing that struck me in its rather surreal moments was that Coppola obviously
had seen this before making
Apocalypse Now
- a favorite of mine.
A good antidote is another USSR film we just saw:
Railway Station for Two .
best WWII film made on the U.S. side is
A Walk in the Sun .
this movie captivated me as a kid and I must have seen it 15 or 20 times in great prepubescent
More mainstream than the others on the list, but really moves me.
Not that it really has squat to do with the quality of the film, but this is the most perfect
theme-song movie; theme songs usually get in the way, or are just inappropriate.
This movie would not exist in my mind in such clarity if i didn't hear that voice in
the background when i thought of it.
A Walk in the Sun-IMDB
(NOTE: IMDB is the Internet Movie Database website--CHS)
Sure, Chinatown, The Searchers, Blade Runner, and Out of the Past are great films that deserve
to live forever, and I will and do watch them over and over. But what about equally great
films that don't make the lists? Now that is interesting; the men are about to be
separated from the goats. (most women will say you can't do it...) I won't give my
pets numerical ratings as my choice of what's best shifts with time of day, what I have eaten,
impending flatulence and how long it has been since I cringed back in horror from seeing
My President on the glassy screen.
Coup de Torchon - Criterion Collection
Absolutely one of the best films ever! I watch this repeatedly and am stunned.
Noiret and Huppert have never been better. Finally, Jim Thompson comes to the screen
in riveting style.
Coup de Torchon-IMDB
Valdez is Coming
Burt Lancaster carries this film with absolute dignity. I understand he was contracted to
make several westerns and did so unwillingly, but he was perfect here. Its is the best thing
done from an Elmore Leonard story. Sometimes a movie like this lets the supporting cast
really stand out.
Valdez Is Coming-IMDB
The Hairdresser's Husband
Another French film. haven't seen it in a long time, but it
sticks in my mind. as to my choices, they are not usually blessed with happy endings,
and then tend to be a bit dark and bent. is that you cup of tea?
The Hairdresser's Husband-IMDB
The Wind and the Lion
Ok, this one is getting even closer to mainstream, but it is one I
just keep watching. Maybe it falls under the heading of 'a guilty pleasure' - I don't give
a damn. A very fine movie. When Sean Connery says "we will all eat lamb in paradise" with
that glint, I get a tiny shiver that must be the first step a what a young man feels when
moving toward jihad.
The Wind and the Lion-IMDB
Robin and Marian
Sticking with major stars here, but in a film that nobody seemed to
notice. A great cast all at the top of their form. It is the quintessential autumnal film.
Robin and Marian-IMDB
Two other autumnal - i like that word - films i will toss in here:
The Wild Bunch
and the
Lee Marvin version of
Monte Walsh.
Winding-down and taking stock movies grab me.
On the noir/crime side i will toss out three titles:
Charley Varrick
Charley Varrick-IMDB
Ride the Pink Horse-IMDB
Another noir novelist done right: Dorothy Hughes - how many women
wrote good noir in the '40s?
Possibly another guilty pleasure.
Also in the noir camp is the original Italian version - unauthorized - of
The Postman Always Rings twice:
Compare this one to the 2 American made films.
Johnn K.
Just finished a great book,
Samuel Adams: Father of the American Revolution
by Mark Puls. Without him the revolution probably wouldn't have happened. Through his zeal, his will and his articulate writing, people woke up to tyranny.
Sadly, there's no Sam Adams today and even if there were, the general population is too hypnotized by being 'entertained'.
I am one of the rare people, getting rarer each day, that reads an occassional book. You're one of those people as well. But I fear the book business has gone the way of buggy whips.
Thank you, John, Don and Johnn, for the excellent recommendations.
As described above (and elsewhere on the site), I earn a small commission on any book, DVD
or other item purchased from amazon.com via this site. Although the identity of the buyer
is of course unknown to me, amazon.com does have to track the titles purchased by readers
of this site. Judging by the list of books purchased here over the past few months,
my readers are a lot smarter than I am (no surprise there).
Since some of you might find the books purchased by other readers to be of interest--I
certainly did, having never heard of
Biker Billy's Cookbooks, or these titles on war and finance/trading--I reprint it here for your enjoyment. I have not listed titles
purchased by readers which I have recommended elsewhere, such as my "Essential Books" list in the lower
right sidebar or the Recommended Books/Films .
Arms and Influence
by Thomas C. Schelling
Biker Billy Cooks with Fire: Robust Recipes from America's Most Outrageous Television Chef
by Bill Hufnagel
Boiling Point: How Politicians, Big Oil and Coal, Journalists and Activists Are Fueling
the Climate Crisis--And What We Can Do to Avert Disaster
by Ross Gelbspan
Contemporary Nuclear Debates: Missile Defenses, Arms Control, and Arms Races in the
Twenty-First Century
by Alexander T. J. Lennon
Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse
by Peter D. Schiff
Defense Strategy for the Post-Saddam Era
by Michael E. O'Hanlon
Desert Solitaire: A Season In the Wilderness
by Edward Abbey
End of the Line: The Rise and Coming Fall of the Global Corporation
by Barry C. Lynn
Finding The Target: The Transformation of American Military Policy
by Frederick Kagan
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
by David Allen
Hard Call: Great Decisions and the Extraordinary People Who Made Them
by John McCain
How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust: Money-Making Strategies for
the End of the Housing Bubble
by John Rubino
Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
by Joe Vitale
Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny
by Amartya Sen
Legacy of Leadership: Lessons from Admiral Lord Nelson
by Joseph F. Callo
Life of Johnson
by James Boswell
Man, the State, and War
by Kenneth N. Waltz
Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics
by William Bonner
Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic
by Chalmers Johnson
On the Origins of War: And the Preservation of Peace
by Donald Kagan
Simpleology: The Simple Science of Getting What You Want
by Mark Joyner
The 2010 Meltdown: Solving the Impending Jobs Crisis
by Edward E. Gordon
The Age of Lincoln
by Vernon Orville Burton
The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)
by Seth Godin
The Fallacies of Cold War Deterrence and a New Direction
by Keith B. Payne
The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina
by Frank Rich
Way of the Turtle: The Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders
by Curtis Faith
Your Life As Art
by Robert Fritz
The End Is Not Nigh
by Charles Gave
MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service
by Stephen Dorril
A Preponderance of Power: National Security, the Truman Administration, and the Cold War
by Melvyn Leffler
And please scan
Reader's Choice: World War II books,
World War II Books,
Insight: or, In a New Light and
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