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Looking for Changes in Trend (September 17, 2008) As I post this tonight, our tax-supported government has just bailed out AIG to the tune of $85 billion, on top of the $1 trillion it has dumped down various ratholes since August of last year. These staggering sums are now ho-hum, and I expect a "relief rally" tomorrow because the Federal "rescue" means "all is right with the world now" and "this must be the bottom." You and I now own 80% of nothing, oops, I mean the broken shards of AIG. Whoopie. Yesterday's entry had a strong moral/spiritual theme, and I honestly believe that there will be divine retribution for all the lies, all the bailouts, all the squandering of hard-working taxpayers' money on the rescue of tax-cheating multi-millionaires. We will all pay the price for remaining silent or for joining in the completely non-productive greedfest known as the Great Real Estate/Credit Bubble. By all rights, and I mean on a spiritual level, the U.S. financial system deserves to go to zero--yes, complete bankruptcy of the entire Empire of Lies and Debt. A better system can be built in its place. We as a nation deserve that--if we demand it. Clinging to a rotten, disintegrating life-vest will not save us. We must strike out and swim for a new and better shore. Thanks to correspondent Craig M., we have news that the U.S. government indirectly gave Lehman $138 billion:
"JPMorgan Chase & Co. gave $138 billion this week in Federal Reserve-backed advances to the broker dealer unit of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. to settle Lehman trades and keep financial markets stable amid the biggest bankruptcy in history, according to a court filing" One of the few ways we as individuals can better our situation in trying times is to anticipate possible changes in trend. Now before we begin, please read the HUGE GIANT BIG FAT DISCLAIMER posted below. This is not investment advice, just some charts and my commentary based on my own limited knowledge. Longtime correspondent Cheryl A. recently asked me to confirm my primary trend theses, which are: 1. U.S. interest rates have bottomed in a shallow "saucer" formation from 2003 to the present and are set to start rising, very possibly in rapid leaps which will shock the preponderance of pundits expecting essentially permanent low rates. 2. Equities (i.e. stocks) will fall to levels the preponderance of pundits believe are impossible, i.e. 6,000 and then perhaps down to 3,000 or lower. 3. Oil and gold will climb ever higher in a long-term "secular" Bull Market. 4. Oil will fall dramatically in a "head fake" which supports a false confidence that peak Oil is far in the future. On the contrary, supply constraints will reveal the price decline as a "head fake" as oil prices begin a spectacular climb to $300/barrel and up.
Please refer to my new "little book of big ideas"
Weblogs & New Media: Marketing in Crisis To help with these theses, I asked frequent contributor Harun I. for some charts which he has graciously provided along with some technical comments. Please note that I have trimmed the charts in size and added comments which are my own interpretation. Let's start with the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a proxy for the U.S. equities markets. Harun selected three charts of the DJIA, showing three different time frames: very long term, intermediate and short-term. (All chart notes are mine.)
The logarithmic view of long-term charts is important because it reveals percentage movement. It should be apparent that the a move to 15,000-25,000 is not the same as a move from 5000-15,000. The Dow yearly chart with trend line (1900-2008) indicates how far price has deviated from the trend line. So far this has been a down year.Thank you, Harun. In other words, despite the catastrophic financial news, the stock market could perversely rally for months, presumably on the false conclusion that "the worst is over, hence the bottom is in." On the other hand, these charts suggest a couple of flies in that "rally like 1999" ointment: 1. The DJIA could descend to the 6,000 level without breaking its long-term trendline. 2. Critical support of trend channels lies just below current levels at around 10,700. The lower band was tested in the 2002-03 period and it held, setting up a multi-year rally. But that was then and this is now, and it's noteworthy that the major histogram of MACD (the red-line) was kissing the neutral line in 2002 when the price line was still around the middle channel line. Now we are at roughly the same place in terms of MACD but are dangerously close to the lower support. In other words, if MACD continues down into negative territory, that would suggest a breach of major support, and a trip down to 10,300 or so as a "first stop" on the Bear Market Express. 3. Major tops often reveal themselves in "head and shoulders" formations, and the DJIA sure looks like it's tracing out a complex H&S pattern. 4. The lower channel which was once support is now resistance, (last chart) and rather interestingly, it is approaching the 200-day Moving Average of the DJIA (not shown) around 12,300. This confluence of major support/resistance will offer a massive "line in the sand" which the DJIA will have to breach to move above the 12,000 congestion/resistance. It doesn't take much of a crystal ball to see the DJIA sinking below 10,700 and touching 10,300 or even lower, then racing back up in a huge "yea, the bottom is in" relief rally that runs up to the 12,300 level and then stalls out, setting up the Bear Market move down to 9,000, then 6,000, then 3,000, etc. Meanwhile back at Gold Ranch, the yellow metal store of value will be making its move in fits and starts to meet the DJIA at 3,000--i.e. gold at $3,000/ounce.
That is of course pure speculation (double entendre intended). Tomorrow we look
at oil.
Chuck D.
The last part of today's entry Liar Nation: Finally Reaping What We Have Sown (September 16, 2008) reminded me of the Biblical story of Jesus and the rich man. The rich man came to Jesus asking, "What must I do to be saved, Lord?" When the answer was, "Give away all your possessions and follow me," he left in despair because he could not do it. Dave Eriqat
I couldn't agree more! U. Doran
Lying in business is called by the UCC, Uniform Commercial Code of laws as, "Fraud in the Inducement of a Contract", and is the only action that is so reprehensible under the law as to carry a penalty of triple damages. Some of the class action boys should start dragging it out soon. Zeus Y.
Okay, now I'm officially pissed. AIG just got bailed out by the government, not a "quasi-governmental" organization but a purely private organization. They are not even pretending anymore. "Moral hazard, what's that?" This NYT article calls it "the most radical intervention in private business in the central bank's history." A couple of important points to note. David V.
Perfect.....it hurts, as the truth often does. Today's essay should be on the center front page of every newspaper in the world. Thank you, readers--and David, how I wish the entry could be in every newspaper-- free of charge.
New Book Notes: My new "little book of big ideas," Weblogs & New Media: Marketing in Crisis
"Charles Hugh Smith's Weblogs & New Media: Marketing in Crisis is one of the most important business analyses I have ever read. It is the first to squarely face converging global crises from a business perspective: peak oil, climate change, resource depletion, and the junction of key social cycles will radically alter the business landscape in coming decades...." An excerpt from Weblogs & New Media: Marketing in Crisis
3. The Kondratieff Cycle suggests that the global asset bubbles which are just starting to deflate have a long way to go before the next cycle of financially healthy/stable growth can begin. HUGE GIANT BIG FAT DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this site should be construed as investment advice or guidance. It is not intended as investment advice or guidance, nor is it offered as such. It is solely the opinion of the writer, who is NOT an investment counselor/professional. All the content of this website is solely an expression of his personal interests and is posted as free-of-charge opinion and commentary. If you seek investment advice, consult a registered, qualified investment counselor (As with any other professional service, confirm their track record and referrals).
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