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Gold, The Dollar and Manipulation (September 9, 2008) There has been many words written pro and con the idea that the price of gold is being manipulated. I don't know about gold, but the stock market is always being manipulated by the Big Players, and always has been.
Let's start with a story from Fernand Braudel's masterful 3-volume history of modern
capitalism, credit and trade,
Here's market manipulation, circa 1690. Trading ships took as long as three years to sail to the Indies for a load of spices, Chinese silk, etc. and make it back to Holland. These were highly capital-intensive voyages; ships and crew cost more than most could afford, so stocks or shares in the voyage were sold to accumulate the necessary capital. If the ship sank--not an uncommon occurance--then the investors lost everything (unless it was insured--also an innovation of modern capitalism). But if the ship came in, yowza, the profits were stupendous. if a ship was late, nervous investors began to sell at deep discounts, reckoning getting something for shares which might soon be worthless was better than losing their entire investment. Enter the manipulators. On occasion, a trading ship would be sighted off France, on its way to Antwerp or other home port. If the trader could get that information before anyone else, he could snap up all the heavily discounted shares, knowing the ship was just days away from docking. He could then make a killing--via "insider trading."
The other basic mechanism is well described by master investor Jesse Livermore
in the classic
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. The basic idea is simple: if you have deep enough pockets, you can sell a stock short and bring it down below support levels, where many traders have place stop loss orders. Boom, the stock gets sold off hard as all those stops kick in. Wait a few days, then sell the bejabbers out of the stock again, dropping into below the next support. More stops get blown, and now traders are wary--it's a "downtrend," one you have engineered, knowing how other traders operate. If you can drop a stock below it's 50-day moving average, or the 38.2% fibonacci extension, so much the better--there are a lot more stops set around those levels, too. This is easier than taking candy from a baby. And then when you've destroyed the stock and selling gets climactic, then you have sufficient liquidity to start buying/covering your shorts without moving the market much. At the bottom, you switch over and start accumulating, working the game on the long side in the same fashion. Drive the stock back above its 20-day moving average, and technical traders will start buying. For an example, let's look at a small gold mining stock, Golden Star (GSS). Never mind what gold reserves the company has; let's just look at the chart:
This stock only trades 3.5 million shares a day on average, or about $4 million. If you're a hedge fund, given the leverage available to you, that is chump change. Notice that GSS was about $3.75/share when gold was around $550/oz., and well over $4/share when gold was $700/oz. Now the stock is $1.25/share when gold is $800/oz. Huh? No problem--just sell it short when it approaches key levels of support, and other traders will dump it. Rinse and repeat. It's perfectly legal to sell short and cover, and then go long; you could kill a little $300 million company like this with a mere $10 million sold short at critical junctures. (Note: I do not have a position in GSS at this time but am considering going long.) That's the market, and it has always been open to manipulation by large traders. We small players join the game at a huge disadvantage. Jesse L. knew it, and described the game; we should take heed. We should also be careful not to believe the accepted causal wisdom about gold and the dollar being 100% correlated. Lately, gold seems to move in lockstep with the dollar; if the dollar rises, gold tanks, and vice versa. This correlation is often stated as a causal factor, i.e. the reason gold dropped is the dollar rose. Not so fast. I asked frequent contributor Harun I. for help in preparing a chart which displays the positive and negative correlation of the dollar and gold:
As you can see, most of the time gold and the dollar are negatively correlated, as per the standard causal line: when gold rises, the dollar is declining, and vice versa. But it isn't entirely causal, because there have been periods in which a positive correlation occured, i.e. gold and the dollar rose or fell together. This suggests the relationship between the two is at times more complex than a teeter-totter, i.e. when one up then the other must be down. What could trigger such a positive correlation? Just as pure speculation, how about a pervasive fear in the global financial system? The dollar might benefit from investors shifting cash to the U.S. from shakier economies and governments, as gold too benefits from a "flight to safety."
But let's also not forget the larger context, which is that the dollar and
the credit bubble in the U.S. are both toast. As $1 trillion of credit default
derivatives are getting called on Fannie and Freddie debt, let's recall the oozing
swamp that is the derivatives market, as so ably described in the classic
Fiasco: The Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader.
As for the mortgage market now being all repaired and happy, let's recall what
author Richard Bitner described in
Greed, Fraud & Ignorance: A Subprime Insider's Look at the Mortgage Collapse. In short: the mortgage bubble is not coming back, regardless of what the new management of Freddie and Fannie say or do.
Lastly, let's recall that no economy, even the Imperial economy of the U.S.,
can sustain trade deficits on the order of 5-7% of GDP--and here we are,
running trade deficits years after year at 5-6% of GDP. There is a cure to this
imbalance, and it's called massive dollar devaluation, as described in this must-read
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures. Put these books together, and you get a simple but profound context: 1. Yes, manipulation exists; it is the warp and weave of the market and always has been. "Free markets" are a fantasy beloved by theoreticians who don't live by trading. 2. The mortgage mess was/is a hyper-credit bubble which cannot be re-inflated, which means Fannie and Freddie's "rescue" is meaningless in terms of "saving" U.S. housing from further declines. 3. No country can sustain massive trade imbalances forever, and the dollar's demise via catastrophic declines is already baked in as a result of years of structural trade imbalances. Cheerleading pundits are hysterically gleeful about rising U.S. exports, but if you look at the data, the current account deficit has barely budged: down from $750 billion to $700 billion, whoopie. That's still 5% of GDP, folks--unsustainable.
Modest reductions don't alter this fact. The only way for the imbalance to be rectified
is via a decline of the dollar's value against our trading partner's currencies that is
deep enough to cause imports to absolutely crater and make anything made or grown
in the U.S. an absolute bargain.
Anne S.
A few words about one of the career choices the young man is contemplating. Points to consider, no advice is implied. I live in Europe and know nothing about the Coast Guard itself.John K.
In your blog today you said “Engineers work in cities; there are virtually no jobs in rural areas for engineers”. I would like to humbly point out one field where engineers almost always work in rural and even remote areas: mining engineering. Very few mines are located in cities and most production-oriented mining engineers are employed at mine sites and get to do hands-on work, rather than at the home offices of mining companies (which are in cities). As the easy-to-exploit resources have dwindled and global consumption increases (or even if it stays the same), the demand for mining engineers (and exploration and mine geologists) increases. Mining engineers and geologists usually have the opportunity to do a lot of international travel as well. Presently there is a severe shortage of young professionals in these fields for a variety of reasons.J. Douglas Bremner, M.D.
had some time I didn't expect to have today since my anticipated appearance on Fox's Mike and Juliet Show to talk about the link between Accutane and depression was cancelled so I thought I'd write about my day so far. I guess someone told Fox that they are getting alot of advertising dollars from the pharmaceutical industry and what I had to say might not make some people happy. At first they asked if I would like to go on the show and "debate" someone. When I didn't seem too excited about that they said they would "get back to me" and then later left me a voice message saying that I wouldn't be going on the show but that I would be "credited" for my work. So I checked out the clip on the internetJed H.
MORN" G Charles : Altho ' this is very " GRIM " News , I feel & think that we have NOT YET seen Bottom ?? This ~ $6 TRL" N LOSS , yet to be written OFF , still has ~ another 10 to 20 % more to go , & maybe until ~ 2012 + to bottom ( a very slow, painful process !! ) . WE have gone from a NASDAQ ;, to Housing/ Credit ,; to Commodities / Oil & $USD$ ;, to ??? NExt BUBBLE ?? What is the next Bubble ?? Feels just like a .... " Nuclear (economic) Winter " !! This will be historically the " WORST , since 1930 s !!Riley T.
Some recent headlines:Mike D.
I mostly agree with you that the upcoming US election is essentially a tweedledum/tweedledee non-choice, but I think the Democrats would try to, at least, slow the handcart's speed as it races toward Hell.Greg W.
High Class article to that young man. New must-read essay by Chris Sullins: Dust and Shadow, Part 2
The reasons someone becomes a soldier are varied. At an individual level I would suspect they are little different from those given by warriors from across the planet from now to ages past. One can read “The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China” and see that the art of warfare, harnessing the motivations of men, and empire management has changed very little over the past two millennia.
New Book Notes: My new "little book of big ideas," Weblogs & New Media: Marketing in Crisis
"Charles Hugh Smith's Weblogs & New Media: Marketing in Crisis is one of the most important business analyses I have ever read. It is the first to squarely face converging global crises from a business perspective: peak oil, climate change, resource depletion, and the junction of key social cycles will radically alter the business landscape in coming decades...." ![]()
"This guy is THE leading visionary on reality.
He routinely discusses things which no one else has talked about, yet,
turn out to be quite relevant months later."
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