Dear Aspiring Writers: The Worst Advice You'll
Ever Read (2005)
Portrait of the Artist as... Scullery Maid
(January 26, 2007)
Portrait of the Artist II
(January 27, 2007)
six (Random) Films
(February 16, 2007)
Fiasco: The Derivatives Market Explained
(March 9, 2007)
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintanence
(March 15, 2007)
Financial Armageddon
(April 17, 2007)
The Rhythm of War
(April 18, 2007)
The Sorrow of Europe
(April 19, 2007)
Books: Readers' Recommendations
(May 16, 2007)
The Uncertainties of Creation
(June 2, 2007)
Sword of Doom
(June 21, 2007)
Little Miss Sunshine and American Optimism
(June 22, 2007)
Lyrics/Poems for Our Age
(June 30, 2007)
Reader Haiku II
(July 23-25, 2007)
Construction Defects Haiku and Black Swan Sighting
(July 28, 2007)
The Cervantes-Liquidity Crisis Connection
(August 15, 2007)
World War II Books
(October 8, 2007)
The State of the Novel
(October 9, 2007)
(October 10, 2007)
Insight: or, In a New Light
(October 11, 2007)
Hooray for the Small Press--and the Web
(October 12, 2007)
Reader's Choice: World War II books
(October 12, 2007)
American Identity
The Economics of Racial Prejudice
(January 15, 2007)
The Test of a Nation
(May 28, 2007)
Little Miss Sunshine and American Optimism
(June 22, 2007)
Production Versus Consumption: Incentives, Soulless Work and a FIRE Economy
(September 27, 2007)
(October 10, 2007)
Thanksgiving Essay II: In Praise of Opportunity
(November 24, 2007)
Depression in America
(December 4, 2007)
Cultural Commentaries
Portrait of the Artist II
(January 27, 2007)
I Wonder". . . If the Media Has Accurately Represented the Risks
(March 1, 2007)
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintanence
(March 15, 2007)
Self-Reliance II
(March 16, 2007)
How Does Your Garden Grow?
(March 21, 2007)
Ads and Donations
(March 24, 2007)
Are Blogs the New Newspapers?
(March 29, 2007)
Readers On What Makes a Blogger Engaging
(March 31, 2007)
Corporate Rot USA
(April 5, 2007)
Kurt Vonnegut
(April 16, 2007)
Corporate Rot II--Readers Views
(April 21, 2007)
Ugetsu: Greed Is Not Good
(May 23, 2007)
The Test of a Nation
(May 28, 2007)
A "Free Market" for Labor?
(June 4, 2007)
Recklessness, Security and Fantasy
(June 14, 2007)
(June 15, 2007)
Lyrics/Poems for Our Age
(June 30, 2007)
Are People Sensing Something Is Deeply Amiss?
(July 6, 2007)
Denial, Fragility and a Schizophrenic Culture
(July 10, 2007)
A Walled-In Bunch of Houses Is Not a Community
(July 17, 2007)
Corporate America: Declining Quality, Fraud as Policy
(August 2, 2007)
From Prophet to Profit(less)
(August 3, 2007)
The Cervantes-Liquidity Crisis Connection
(August 15, 2007)
The Boomer Wail: But We Deserve a Lifetime Bull Market!
(August 16, 2007)
Credit Markets: Unregulated and Pathologically Addicted to Lying
(September 26, 2007)
How the U.S. Media Failed Homebuyers
(October 16, 2007)
Thanksgiving Essay II: In Praise of Opportunity
(November 24, 2007)
Depression in America
(December 4, 2007)
The Politics of Atomization
(December 14, 2007)
Paging Mr. Scrooge
(December 19, 2007)
Who Decides What Is Art?
(December 26, 2007)
Kroika! Chronicles
Kroika! Tower: World's Tallest Bamboo Structure
(March 12, 2007)
Shanghai and Kroika: the Top Is Near
(May 7, 2007)
Marketing Follies
Really Simple Magazine (Recession)
(February 5, 2007)
Hedgies Anonymous
(February 14, 2007)
Euphorestra Side Effect Alert
(July 26, 2007)
A Culture of Deception and Fantasy
(September 12, 2007)
Design Follies
Kroika! Tower: World's Tallest Bamboo Structure
(March 12, 2007)
Am I Crazy, or Is America Crazy?
(July 16, 2007)
A Walled-In Bunch of Houses Is Not a Community
(July 17, 2007)
Unfolding Crises: Asia
China: An Interim Report
Shanghai Postcard (2004)
Japan's Runaway Debt Train (2003)
The Other Killing Fields: Christians in Burma
(February 2, 2007)
"I Wonder". . . What Will Happen in China
(February 27, 2007)
The China Syndrome--Financial Meltdown
(March 28, 2007)
China's House of Cards
(April 4, 2007)
China Reflections
(April 7, 2007)
Trade War with China: Who Benefits?
(April 11, 2007)
Shanghai Stock Market: the Top Is Near
(May 7, 2007)
Why China Is Being Scapegoated
(May 21, 2007)
Why China's Growth Is Not Sustainable
(May 31, 2007)
Can the U.S. Go Down and China Stay Up?
(June 5, 2007)
On-The-Ground Reporting in China
(June 23, 2007)
China's Brand and the Product Liability Lawsuits to Come
(June 28, 2007)
Lies, Corruption and Deception in the Global Village
(July 3, 2007)
Trade Imbalances and the Dollar
(September 13, 2007)
Empire of Lies II: Japan and Credit Crunch "Solutions"
(November 1, 2007)
Battle for the Soul of America
The 7 Most Important Stories of 2007
(December 30, 2006)
Is America a Kleptocracy?
(January 13, 2007)
Wealth Distribution
(January 16, 2007)
An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth...?
(March 27, 2007)
Media Disconnect
(April 24, 2007)
(April 28, 2007)
The Paradox of Plenty III: Consumerism
(May 2, 2007)
The Test of a Nation
(May 28, 2007)
Recklessness, Security and Fantasy
(June 14, 2007)
When Lies Become Normal, Is Truth Dead or Just in Hiding?
(July 5, 2007)
Are People Sensing Something Is Deeply Amiss?
(July 6, 2007)
A Walled-In Bunch of Houses Is Not a Community
(July 17, 2007)
Insanity and Complacency
(July 19, 2007)
The End of Entitlements
(July 27, 2007)
A Nation Obliviously at War
(August 1, 2007)
The Moral Argument Against All Bailouts
(September 5, 2007)
A Culture of Deception and Fantasy
(September 12, 2007)
The Rot Within
(or: We Are The Frog in the Pot)
(September 17, 2007)
1984 + 23 = 2007
(September 20, 2007)
Homeowners, Defective Houses and Big Builders: Justice Is Not Blind
(September 24, 2007)
Credit Markets: Unregulated and Pathologically Addicted to Lying
(September 26, 2007)
Production Versus Consumption: Incentives, Soulless Work and a FIRE Economy
(September 27, 2007)
(October 10, 2007)
Empire of Lies III: Ministry of Propaganda
(November 2, 2007)
Behind the Curtain I: Do Google Ads Actually Work?
(November 7, 2007)
Behind the Curtain III: The Destruction of Trust
(November 9, 2007)
Paging Mr. Scrooge
(December 19, 2007)
The Great Unraveling
Our Schizophrenic Media
(July 9, 2007)
Denial, Fragility and a Schizophrenic Culture
(July 10, 2007)
The Long Cycles of Prosperity, Decline and Upheaval
(July 11, 2007)
What's Different Now (Medicare and Pensions)
(July 12, 2007)
1893, 1929, 1973, 2007: Echoes of Rolling Thunder
(July 13, 2007)
Insanity and Complacency
(July 19, 2007)
Oil, Dirt and Our Food Supply
(July 20, 2007)
The End of Entitlements
(July 27, 2007)
A Nation Obliviously at War
(August 1, 2007)
From Prophet to Profit(less)
(August 3, 2007)
The Yen Carry Trade, Risk, Fear and More
(August 9, 2007)
The Mother of All Bail-Outs?
(August 14, 2007)
The Cervantes-Liquidity Crisis Connection
(August 15, 2007)
How 4% of Mortgages Have Brought Down the Entire Market
(August 21, 2007)
Food, Water, Weather and Other Interconnected Systems
(August 22, 2007)
20 Years of Schooling and They Put Me on the Day Shift--at Starbucks
(August 24, 2007)
Financial Extinctions: The Subprime Meteorite Has Hit
(August 27, 2007)
Living in Extraordinary Times (Peak Oil)
(August 30, 2007)
Why Any Real Bailout Is Impossible
(September 4, 2007)
The Big One Just Hit
(September 8, 2007)
Will Foreign Owners Dump U.S. Stocks and Bonds?
(September 11, 2007)
Trade Imbalances and the Dollar
(September 13, 2007)
The Rot Within
(or: We Are The Frog in the Pot)
(September 17, 2007)
The Closing of the U.S. Home ATM Dooms the Global Economy
(September 18, 2007)
Something Has Changed (Northern Rock)
(September 19, 2007)
1984 + 23 = 2007
(September 20, 2007)
Credit Markets: Unregulated and Pathologically Addicted to Lying
(September 26, 2007)
What's Behind the Door?
(October 1, 2007)
The Yen, the Dollar and the Dow
(October 15, 2007)
How We Can Have Both Inflation and Deflation
(October 17, 2007)
The Yen Revisited (Doomsday below 115)
(October 20, 2007)
Housing Declines: Don't Forget About Inflation
(October 22, 2007)
Web of Deception and What Must Be Hidden
(October 23, 2007)
Why Mortgage Rates Will Rise Despite Fed Rates Cuts
(October 24, 2007)
Is a Weak Dollar Really That Wonderful for the Nation?
(October 25, 2007)
Could Oil Prices Collapse?
(October 26, 2007)
Empire of Lies II: Japan and Credit Crunch "Solutions"
(November 1, 2007)
Empire of Lies III: Ministry of Propaganda
(November 2, 2007)
Empire of Debt I: The Great Unraveling Begins
(November 5, 2007)
Empire of Debt II: The Dollar
(November 6, 2007)
Behind the Curtain II: The Destruction of the Dollar
(November 8, 2007)
Behind the Curtain III: The Destruction of Trust
(November 9, 2007)
Changing Tides I: Interest Rates and Bonds
(November 12, 2007)
Changing Tides II: Could Municipal Bonds Become Risky?
(November 13, 2007)
Changing Tides III: Reversal of Wealth
(November 14, 2007)
Exhaustion, Jobs and Housing
(December 6, 2007)
Muddling Through Malaise
(December 7, 2007)
The Politics of Atomization
(December 14, 2007)
What Lies Ahead
(December 27, 2007)
What "Lies" Ahead (Part II)
(December 28, 2007)
Policy / Politics
A Short Essay on Wealth
(January 13, 2007)
Wealth Distribution (January 16, 2007)
Four Snapshots of U.S. Manufacturing
(January 17, 2007)
Tax Rates: Are The Rich Really Different?
(January 19, 2007)
Tax Rates and Tax Waste
(January 22, 2007)
A Closer Look at Department of Defense (DoD) Spending
(January 23, 2007)
Medicare Waste--50%?
(January 24, 2007)
Readers Weigh In--Taxes, Entitlements
(January 25, 2007)
Vulnerability, or, Thinking About the Unthinkable
(January 30, 2007)
U.S. healthcare--Reports from the Front
(February 1, 2007)
Readers Respond on Nukes, Iran, Healthcare
(February 3, 2007)
Public Employee Pension Greed and the Gutting of Downtowns
(February 7, 2007)
"I Wonder". . . If the Media Has Accurately Represented the Risks
(March 1, 2007)
In 'Managed Care,' Who's Doing the Managing?
(March 14, 2007)
The Healthcare Solution: A Proposal
(March 19, 2007)
An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth...?
(March 27, 2007)
Gordian Knot: Healthcare
(May 8, 2007)
Going to War with the Political Elite You Have
(May 14, 2007)
U.S. Presidents: Two-Party Smoke and Mirrors
(May 15, 2007)
Health, Healthcare and Bankruptcy
(May 24, 2007)
The Coming Bankruptcy of Government
(May 25, 2007)
Retiring in an Era of Declining Purchasing Power
(June 11, 2007)
Recklessness, Security and Fantasy
(June 14, 2007)
What's Different Now (Medicare and Pensions)
(July 12, 2007)
The End of Entitlements
(July 27, 2007)
From Prophet to Profit(less)
(August 3, 2007)
Quadruple Whammy Meltdown
(August 20, 2007)
20 Years of Schooling and They Put Me on the Day Shift--at Starbucks
(August 24, 2007)
The Moral Argument Against All Bailouts
(September 5, 2007)
1984 + 23 = 2007
(September 20, 2007)
The Grateful Dead Inflation Index
(September 22, 2007)
Privatizing Profits, Socializing Risk: Hypocrisy and Housing
(September 25, 2007)
What If Insurance Isn't Really Insurance?
(October 2, 2007)
Why You Should Pay More Taxes--Yes, You
(October 4, 2007)
Is a Weak Dollar Really That Wonderful for the Nation?
(October 25, 2007)
How To Win the Election in 2008 (Fed Meeting Special)
(October 31, 2007)
Empire of Lies II: Japan and Credit Crunch "Solutions"
(November 1, 2007)
Empire of Lies III: Ministry of Propaganda
(November 2, 2007)
Empire of Debt I: The Great Unraveling Begins
(November 5, 2007)
Behind the Curtain I: Do Google Ads Actually Work?
(November 7, 2007)
Changing Tides II: Could Municipal Bonds Become Risky?
(November 13, 2007)
Speculation: Private Profit, Public Losses?
(November 27, 2007)
Exhaustion, Jobs and Housing
(December 6, 2007)
Muddling Through Malaise
(December 7, 2007)
Feedback Loops of Doom: Healthcare, Taxes and Municipal Bankruptcy
(December 11, 2007)
Financial Worry, Health, and the Reverse Wealth Effect As Housing Pops
(December 12, 2007)
Feedback Loops of Doom III: Retail, Downtowns and Cash-Strapped Cities
(December 13, 2007)
The Politics of Atomization
(December 14, 2007)
Bailout: Could Government Actually Be Part of the Solution?
(December 18, 2007)
What "Lies" Ahead (Part II)
(December 28, 2007
Media and Marketing
Media Disconnect
(April 24, 2007)
Brave New Online World: Marketing, Advertising and Spin
(April 27, 2007)
Advertising, "Empowerment" and Feminism
(May 4, 2007)
Love in the Time of Syphilis and Master Narratives of Morality
(June 7, 2007)
Recklessness, Security and Fantasy
(June 14, 2007)
Our Schizophrenic Media
(July 9, 2007)
A Culture of Deception and Fantasy
(September 12, 2007)
The Millionth Visitor--You
(and: Stock Market Hat Trick)
(September 14, 2007)
Surprise Air Attack Destroys Syrian Nuke Site
(September 21, 2007)
The State of the Novel
(October 9, 2007)
How the U.S. Media Failed Homebuyers
(October 16, 2007)
Behind the Curtain I: Do Google Ads Actually Work?
(November 7, 2007)
Thank You, Contributors!
(December 31, 2007)
Financial Meltdown Watch
A Doom and Gloomer Gives Up (January 1, 2007)
Will Thailand Lead the Global Economy Down--Again?
(January 4, 2007)
Inflation/Deflation I: Is Japan an Accurate Model?
(January 8, 2007)
Inflation/Deflation II: Is The Answer How We Measure?
(January 9, 2007)
Inflation/Deflation III: The Limits of Deflation (January 10, 2007)
Inflation/Deflation IV: Why Is Gold Outperforming Global Stock Markets?
(January 11, 2007)
Inflation/Deflation V: Bonds and the Dollar
(January 12, 2007)
How Close Are We to Recession and a Bear Market?
(January 18, 2007)
(January 29, 2007)
Brittleness and Risk, or, Hedge Funds As Rats
(January 31, 2007)
Really Simple Recession
(February 5, 2007)
Scale Invariance: Is Your Neighborhood Sliding into Recession?
(February 6, 2007)
Public Employee Pension Greed and the Gutting of Downtowns
(February 7, 2007)
Will "Creative Destruction" Save the U.S. Economy?
(February 8, 2007)
Recession Warnings
(February 9, 2007)
More on Pensions, and a Stock Market Correction?
(February 10, 2007)
Hedgies Anonymous
(February 14, 2007)
Who's Getting Alpha?
(February 15, 2007)
Hedge Funds and the Pareto Principle
(February 19, 2007)
Causality and Patterns (and stock markets)
(February 22, 2007)
"I Wonder". . . If the Stock Market Will Roll Over
(February 26, 2007)
"I Wonder". . . What Will Happen in China
(February 27, 2007)
"I Wonder". . . If the Recession Has Already Started
(February 28, 2007)
"I Wonder". . . If the Media Has Accurately Represented the Risks
(March 1, 2007)
"I Wonder". . . If Interest Rates Will Rise
(March 2, 2007)
Readers' Insights 1
(March 3, 2007)
Bonds, Interest Rates and Gold
(March 6, 2007)
Who gets Burned in the Subprime Meltdown? Everybody
(March 7, 2007)
Fiasco: The Derivatives Market Explained
(March 9, 2007)
Sub-Prime Meltdown and the Derivatives Fiasco To Come
(March 22, 2007)
The Recession Is Coming
(April 2, 2007)
America Now (2007 'debt prosperity') and Then (2011 Depression)
(April 3, 2007)
The Panic of 2007: No Buyers at Any Price
(April 9, 2007)
Inflation: Official Denial
(April 13, 2007)
Financial Armageddon
(April 17, 2007)
(May 9, 2007)
The Coming Bankruptcy of Government
(May 25, 2007)
Why Interest Rates Will Have to Rise
(May 30, 2007)
If All the Gold's In Private Hands, Is a Gold-Backed
Currency Possible?
(June 6, 2007)
Retiring in an Era of Declining Purchasing Power
(June 11, 2007)
Context: A Semi-Long View
(June 18, 2007)
What Makes a Bubble?
(June 19, 2007)
How the Housing Bubble/Credit Bubble Will Pop
(June 20, 2007)
An Economy and a Stock Market Built on Lies
(July 2, 2007)
1893, 1929, 1973, 2007: Echoes of Rolling Thunder
(July 13, 2007)
The Price of Fear
(July 18, 2007)
Insanity and Complacency
(July 19, 2007)
The End of Entitlements
(July 27, 2007)
Is the USA a Giant Enron?
(August 7, 2007)
Notes on a "Free Market" and The Great Bail-Out
(August 8, 2007)
Why Any Real Bailout Is Impossible
(September 4, 2007)
The Big One Just Hit
(September 8, 2007)
Will Foreign Owners Dump U.S. Stocks and Bonds?
(September 11, 2007)
1984 + 23 = 2007
(September 20, 2007)
The Slow Strangulation Death of a False God: Debt-Based "Prosperity"
(September 28, 2007)
How We Can Have Both Inflation and Deflation
(October 17, 2007)
Web of Deception and What Must Be Hidden
(October 23, 2007)
Why Mortgage Rates Will Rise Despite Fed Rates Cuts
(October 24, 2007)
Is a Weak Dollar Really That Wonderful for the Nation?
(October 25, 2007)
Empire of Lies, Kingdom of Magical Thinking
(October 30, 2007)
Empire of Lies II: Japan and Credit Crunch "Solutions"
(November 1, 2007)
Empire of Debt II: The Dollar
(November 6, 2007)
Behind the Curtain II: The Destruction of the Dollar
(November 8, 2007)
Behind the Curtain III: The Destruction of Trust
(November 9, 2007)
Changing Tides II: Could Municipal Bonds Become Risky?
(November 13, 2007)
Changing Tides IV: Private Gold Currency
(November 15, 2007)
The Economist Cover Dollar Indicator
(December 3, 2007)
Exhaustion, Jobs and Housing
(December 6, 2007)
Muddling Through Malaise
(December 7, 2007)
The Stock Market
Who's Getting Alpha?
(February 15, 2007)
"I Wonder". . . If the Stock Market Will Roll Over
(February 26, 2007)
Barrons Says "Buy:" Is This Really The Bottom?
(March 5, 2007)
Market Manipulation
(March 8, 2007)
The Bull: Only a Flesh Wound?
(March 13, 2007)
A Look at Gold
(March 23, 2007)
Is There Something Rotten in the Market?
(April 6, 2007)
A Stock Operator's Intuition
(April 20, 2007)
The "No Bad News" Market
(April 26, 2007)
Are Global Stock Markets Really That Much Higher?
(April 30, 2007)
Shanghai Stock Market: the Top Is Near
(May 7, 2007)
Don't Cough
(May 12, 2007)
The Moon's a Balloon--And About to Pop
(May 18, 2007)
Stock Market Needs Suckers, John Q. Public Wary
(June 1, 2007)
The Hazards of Technical Analysis
(June 9, 2007)
What Makes a Bubble?
(June 19, 2007)
Profiting from the Housing Bubble Popping
(June 25, 2007)
The 9 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make
(June 26, 2007)
Does Short Interest Really Support the Market?
(June 27, 2007)
The Price of Fear
(July 18, 2007)
Reader's Journal and Dow-Oil Ratio
(July 31, 2007)
The Yen Carry Trade, Risk, Fear and More
(August 9, 2007)
Bear Market Bounce
(August 17, 2007)
Seeking Relative Outperformance
(August 28, 2007)
Quick Glance at Gold
(August 29, 2007)
The Millionth Visitor--You
(and: Stock Market Hat Trick)
(September 14, 2007)
How Does a Hedge Work? Here's How
(October 3, 2007)
The Yen, the Dollar and the Dow
(October 15, 2007)
Web of Deception and What Must Be Hidden
(October 23, 2007)
Beware of Speculative "Sure Things"
(October 29, 2007)
How To Win the Election in 2008 (Fed Meeting Special)
(October 31, 2007)
Empire of Debt I: The Great Unraveling Begins
(November 5, 2007)
Behind the Curtain III: The Destruction of Trust
(November 9, 2007)
When "Buy on the Dips" Becomes a Pampers Moment
(November 10, 2007)
Changing Tides I: Interest Rates and Bonds
(November 12, 2007)
Changing Tides III: Reversal of Wealth
(November 14, 2007)
Changing Tides V: A Return to Average
(November 16, 2007)
A Power Not To Be Denied: Santa Claus
(November 19, 2007)
Speculator or Investor? Does It Matter?
(November 26, 2007)
Self-Interest in an Interconnected World
(November 29, 2007)
The Economist Cover Dollar Indicator
(December 3, 2007)
Trends and Countertrends
(December 5, 2007)
Stock Market Santa Claus: Rally or Lump of Coal?
(December 17, 2007)
The Stock Market: Poised on an Edge?
(December 29, 2007)
Housing Bubble Watch
Charting Housing's First Dead-Cat Bounce (January 3, 2007)
Charting Housing's Dead-Cat Bounce: TOL and LEN (January 5, 2007)
A Fibonacci Analysis of the Housing Market: Where We're Heading
(February 12, 2007)
The Cover of BusinessWeek as Lending Implosion Bellwether
(February 13, 2007)
Can 4% of Homeowners Sink the Entire Market?
(February 21, 2007)
Who gets Burned in the Subprime Meltdown? Everybody
(March 7, 2007)
Sub-Prime Meltdown and the Derivatives Fiasco To Come
(March 22, 2007)
The Subprime Mess: A Personal Account
(March 26, 2007)
The Mortgage Mess: The Soft Underbelly Beyond Subprime
(April 10, 2007)
Real Estate: Disconnect from Reality
(April 23, 2007)
Housing - Interest Rate See-Saw
(May 10, 2007)
Housing Affordability: Lunatics Rule the Asylum?
(May 11, 2007)
Yes, Real Estate Prices Can Drop in Half--Even in Manhattan
(June 8, 2007)
What Makes a Bubble?
(June 19, 2007)
How the Housing Bubble/Credit Bubble Will Pop
(June 20, 2007)
Profiting from the Housing Bubble Popping
(June 25, 2007)
Construction Defects Haiku and Black Swan Sighting
(July 28, 2007)
Housing's Three Black Swans
(July 28, 2007)
Sublime Subprime: Beyond The Credit Implosion
(August 6, 2007)
How 4% of Mortgages Have Brought Down the Entire Market
(August 21, 2007)
Two Irresistible Reasons Housing Will Retrace to 1997 Prices
(August 23, 2007)
Why Any Real Bailout Is Impossible
(September 4, 2007)
The Moral Argument Against All Bailouts
(September 5, 2007)
Who Wins in the Housing Bust?
(September 6, 2007)
The Home ATM (a.k.a. Equity Extraction) Is Broken
(September 10, 2007)
The Closing of the U.S. Home ATM Dooms the Global Economy
(September 18, 2007)
The Grateful Dead Inflation Index
(September 22, 2007)
Homeowners, Defective Houses and Big Builders: Justice Is Not Blind
(September 24, 2007)
Privatizing Profits, Socializing Risk: Hypocrisy and Housing
(September 25, 2007)
How the U.S. Media Failed Homebuyers
(October 16, 2007)
Bottom-Fishing Fallacies
(October 18, 2007)
"I'll Just Rent It Out"--Don't Be Too Sure
(October 19, 2007)
Housing Declines: Don't Forget About Inflation
(October 22, 2007)
Web of Deception and What Must Be Hidden
(October 23, 2007)
Why Mortgage Rates Will Rise Despite Fed Rates Cuts
(October 24, 2007)
Is a Weak Dollar Really That Wonderful for the Nation?
(October 25, 2007)
Empire of Lies, Kingdom of Magical Thinking
(October 30, 2007)
The Great Fall: How Suburbs De-gentrify to Ghettos
(November 20, 2007)
This Old McMansion
(November 28, 2007)
Exhaustion, Jobs and Housing
(December 6, 2007)
The Unintended Consequences of the Housing Bubble Bursting
(December 10, 2007)
Financial Worry, Health, and the Reverse Wealth Effect As Housing Pops
(December 12, 2007)
Oil/Energy Crises
The Financialization of Oil
(March 20, 2007)
Peak Oil: Denial Won't Fill Your Tank
(April 12, 2007)
(April 28, 2007)
The Coming Energy Shortage
(May 22, 2007)
The (Hairless) Monkey Trap
(June 13, 2007)
Oil, Dirt and Our Food Supply
(July 20, 2007)
Living in Extraordinary Times (Peak Oil)
(August 30, 2007)
What Can We Do About Peak Oil?
(September 7, 2007)
Could Oil Prices Collapse?
(October 26, 2007)
Beware of Speculative "Sure Things"
(October 29, 2007)
How To Win the Election in 2008 (Fed Meeting Special)
(October 31, 2007)
Self-Interest in an Interconnected World
(November 29, 2007)
Outside the Box
Amazing Offer for the 100th donation
(May 26, 2007)
Squelching Freedom of Speech with Lawsuits
(+stories from Riley T.)
(August 4, 2007)
Friday Haiku and More
(August 10, 2007)
Monday Haiku and Agape Community Center
(August 13, 2007)
The Grateful Dead Inflation Index
(September 22, 2007)
Department of Corrections
(October 5, 2007)
Thanksgiving Essay: In Praise of Average
(November 21, 2007)
When an Old Friend Takes Her Own Life
(Dedember 1, 2007)
Reader Commentaries and Christmas Gift 'Hail Mary'
(December 15, 2007)
Thank You, Contributors!
(December 31, 2007)
In a Humorous Vein
Hedgies Anonymous
(February 14, 2007)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Medication Alert
(April 1, 2007)
America Now (2007 'debt prosperity') and Then (2011 Depression)
(April 3, 2007)
Euphorestra Side Effect Alert
(July 26, 2007)
Department of Corrections
(October 5, 2007)
The Christmas Letter I'd Like To See
(December 25, 2007)
One-Word Titles
(January 29, 2007)
(April 28, 2007)
(May 9, 2007)
(June 15, 2007)
(October 10, 2007)
How Does Your Garden Grow?
(March 21, 2007)
Changing Tides IV: Private Gold Currency
(November 15, 2007)
Health, Wealth & Demographics
Medicare Waste--50%?
(January 24, 2007)
U.S. healthcare--Reports from the Front
(February 1, 2007)
Healthiest Cold Cereal Revisited
(February 23, 2007)
In 'Managed Care,' Who's Doing the Managing?
(March 14, 2007)
The Healthcare Solution: A Proposal
(March 19, 2007)
An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth...?
(March 27, 2007)
Diets, Genes and Health
(March 30, 2007)
The American Diet: Manufacturing Ill Health
(April 25, 2007)
Health, Healthcare and Bankruptcy
(May 24, 2007)
What To Do about Health Care?
(May 29, 2007)
What Can We Learn from France About National Healthcare?
(June 12, 2007)
Poor Diet and The Poor
(August 31, 2007)
What If Insurance Isn't Really Insurance?
(October 2, 2007)
Feedback Loops of Doom: Healthcare, Taxes and Municipal Bankruptcy
(December 11, 2007)
Financial Worry, Health, and the Reverse Wealth Effect As Housing Pops
(December 12, 2007)
Feedback Loops of Doom III: Retail, Downtowns and Cash-Strapped Cities
(December 13, 2007)
A Short Meditation on Vineyards
(May 17, 2007)
Am I Crazy, or Is America Crazy?
(July 16, 2007)
Healthiest Cold Cereal Revisited
(February 23, 2007)
How Does Your Garden Grow?
(March 21, 2007)
gardening book recommendation (also ads and donations)
(March 24, 2007)
Lies, Corruption and Deception in the Global Village
(tainted food) (July 3, 2007)
Poor Diet and The Poor
(August 31, 2007)
Hedge Funds and the Pareto Principle
(February 19, 2007)
(January 29, 2007)
Ads and Donations
(March 24, 2007)
Are Blogs the New Newspapers?
(March 29, 2007)
The Rhythm of War
(April 18, 2007)
Brave New Online World: Marketing, Advertising and Spin
(April 27, 2007)
The Paradox of Plenty I: Resources
(May 1, 2007)
The Paradox of Plenty II: Manufacturing
(May 2, 2007)
The Paradox of Plenty III: Consumerism
(May 2, 2007)
Love in the Time of Syphilis and Master Narratives of Morality
(June 7, 2007)
The (Hairless) Monkey Trap
(June 13, 2007)
The Long Cycles of Prosperity, Decline and Upheaval
(July 11, 2007)
Insanity and Complacency
(July 19, 2007)
Food, Water, Weather and Other Interconnected Systems
(August 22, 2007)
Financial Extinctions: The Subprime Meteorite Has Hit
(August 27, 2007)
Production Versus Consumption: Incentives, Soulless Work and a FIRE Economy
(September 27, 2007)
How Does a Hedge Work? Here's How
(October 3, 2007)
(October 10, 2007)
Changing Tides IV: Private Gold Currency
(November 15, 2007)
Changing Tides V: A Return to Average
(November 16, 2007)
The Great Fall: How Suburbs De-gentrify to Ghettos
(November 20, 2007)
Thanksgiving Essay: In Praise of Average
(November 21, 2007)
Trends and Countertrends
(December 5, 2007)
Science Matters
Science Matters: Global Warming
(June 29, 2007)
Food, Water, Weather and Other Interconnected Systems
(August 22, 2007)
If All the Gold's In Private Hands, Is a Gold-Backed
Currency Possible?
(June 6, 2007)
Readers Journal
Journal May 2007
Journal June 2007
Journal July 2007
Journal August 2007
Journal September 2007
Journal October 2007
Journal November 2007
weblog January 2007
weblog February 2007
weblog March 2007
weblog April 2007
weblog May 2007
weblog June 2007
weblog July 2007
weblog August 2007
weblog September 2007
weblog October 2007
weblog November 2007
Essential Books
The Misbehavior of Markets
Boiling Point (Global Warming)
Our Stolen Future: How We Are Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival
How We Know What Isn't So
Fewer: How the New Demography of Depopulation Will Shape Our Future
The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future
The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
The Future of Life
Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's Peak
The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies
The Solar Economy: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures
Running On Empty: How The Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About It
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Revised and Updated .
The Fourth Turning