Dear Aspiring Writers: The Worst Advice You'll
Ever Read
A Literary Look at I-State Lines
Spirited Away: Decay and Renewal
An American Poem (Robinson Jeffers)
Taoist Chinese Poems
The Nelson Touch
"It's all about oil, isn't it?"
Kurosawa's High and Low
A Bountiful Mutiny
Trois Colours: Red
The Thin Man: Thoroughly Modern Movies
Iranian Films: The Mirror
A Real Pirate Movie: Captain Blood
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Recommended Books
American Identity
American Identity Literary Contest Winners, 2006
(fiction and essays)
Hapas: The New America
Can You Tell What I am? Part I
Your Tattoo in 50 Years
The American House and Frank Lloyd Wright
Cultural Commentaries
On Hatred and Anti-Americanism
Germany: We All Have Problems, But...
Kroika! Chronicles
This Blog Sells Out
Doom and Gloom Sells
The Kroika Mascot-"Auspicious Pet"
Wal-Mart and Kroika
Kroika and Starsbuck Take a Hit
Kroika Ad 1
Kroika Ad 2
Kroika Ad 3
Kroika Ad 4
Kroika Makes Bid for Oreo (April 1)
Unfolding Crises: Asia
China: An Interim Report
Shanghai Postcard 2004
Corruption and Avian Flu: China's Dynamic Duo
Exporting the Real Estate Bubble to China
Is the Bloom Off the China Rose?
China Irony: Steel, Marx & Capital
Curing The U.S. and China's Dysfunctional Relationship
China and U.S. Inflation
Trade with China: Making Out Like a Bandit
Will the Housing Bust Take Down China?
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Battle for the Soul of America
Katrina, Vietnam, Iraq: National Purpose, National Sacrifice
Is This a Nation at War?
A Nation in Denial
That Price Isn't Cheap, It's Subsidized
The Most Hated Company in America
American Dream or American Nightmare?
Obesity and Debt
Immigration Ironies
U.S. Healthcare: Working Toward a Real Solution
A Drug Industry Running Amok
Where There Is Ruin
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Financial Meltdown Watch
What This Country Needs Is a... Good Recession
Are We Entering the Next Age of Turmoil?
Why Inflation Appears Low
Doubling Down on 5-Card No-See-Um
A Rickety Global House of Cards
Unprecedented Risk 2
Could One Rogue Trader Bring Down the Market?
Worried about Inflation? Stop Measuring It
Huge Deficits and Huge Profits: Coincidence?
Three Snapshots of the U.S. Economy
Comparing Nasdaq to Depression-Era Dow
Derivatives: Wall Street Fiddles, Rome Smolders
Financial Chickens Coming Home to Roost
Is the Stock Market on the Same Planet as the Economy?
The Housing-Recession-Oil-Healthcare Connection
Could We Have Deflation and Inflation At the Same Time?
Bankruptcy U.S.A.: Medicare, Greed and Collapse
A Whiff of Apocalypse
Where There Is Ruin II: Social Security
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Planetary Meltdown Watch
The Immensity of Global Warming
Housing Bubble Watch
Charting Unaffordability
A Monster of a Housing Bubble
Hidden Costs of the Housing Bubble
Housing Bubble? What Bubble?
Housing Bubble II
Housing Bubble III: Pop!
Housing Market Demographics
Housing: Catching the Falling Knife
Five Stages of the Housing Bubble
Derailing the Property Tax Gravy Train
Bubbling Property Taxes
Have You Checked Your Property Taxes Recently?
Housing Bubble: Where's the Bottom?
Housing Bubble: Bottom II
The Coming Foreclosure Nightmare 1
How Many Foreclosures Will Hit the Market?
Housing Wealth Effect Shifts Into Reverse
Housing Bubble Bust Will Take Down the Global Economy
The New Road to Serfdom: A Negative-Equity Mortgage
The Housing-Savings-Recession Connection
After the Bubble: How Low Will It Go?
After the Bubble: Rents and Housing Values
Why Post-Bubble Rents Matter
After the Bubble: How Low Will We Go, Part II
Housing: 10% Decline May Trigger Financial Ruin
How to Buy a $450K Home for $750K
The Growing Financial Risks of the Housing Bubble
Construction Defects: The Flood to Come?
Construction Defects Part II
Who Gets Hammered in the 2007 Housing Bust
Real Estate Bust: The Exhaustion of Debt
What Happens When Housing Employment Plummets?
One More Hole in the Housing Bubble: Insurance
Welcome to Fantasyland: Housing's "Soft Landing"
Why Is the Median House Price Still Rising?
Why Median Prices Appear to be Rising?
The Root Cause of the Housing Bubble
Housing Dominoes Fall
Twilight for Exurbia?
Phase Transitions, Symmetry and Post-Bubble Declines
Housing's Stairstep Descent
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Oil/Energy Crises
Whither Oil?
How much Is a Gallon of Gas Worth?
The End of Cheap Oil
The C.I.A., Oil and the Wisdom of Crowds
The Flutter of a Butterfly's Wings?
A One-Two Punch to a Glass Jaw
Running Out Of Oil vs. Running Out of Cheap Oil
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Outside the Box
How to Make a Favicon
Asian Emoticons
In Memoriam: Winky Cosmos
The Wheeled Vagabonds
Light-As-Air Pancake Recipe
In a Humorous Vein
If Only Writers Had Uniforms
Opening the Kimono
Happiness for Sale: Jank Coffee
Ten Guaranteed Predictions for 2010
Why My Book Is Better Than the DaVinci Code
My Brand Management Stinks
Design Follies
The New Jank Coffee Shop
Jank Coffee, Upscale Tropic Style
One-Word Titles
Keys to Affordable Housing
U.S. Conservation & China
Steve Toma, Me & Skil 77s: 30 years of Labor
Real Science in the Bolivian Forest
Deforestation and Sustainable Forestry
The Solar Economy (book)
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Health, Wealth & Demographics
Beauty of the Augmented (Korean) Kind
Demographics and War
The Healthiest Cold Cereal: Surprise!
900 Miles to the Gallon
Are Our Cities Making Us Fat?
Is Obesity an Inflammatory Response?
Demographics & National Bankruptcy
The Decline of Europe: A Demographic Done Deal?
Are the Risks of Obesity Overstated?
Healthcare: Unaffordable Everywhere
Medication Nation
The New Disease We Just Know You've Got
Can You Can Tell Which Pill Is Fake?
Bankruptcy U.S.A.: Medicare, Greed and Collapse
The 10 Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Selling the Landscape
The Downside of Density
Building Heights and Arboral Roots
Terroir: France & California
L.A.: It's About Cheap Oil
The Last Redwood
Waimea Canyon, Yosemite, Camping & Pancakes
The French Village Bakery
What Is Happiness?
Our Education System: a Factory Metaphor?
Understanding Globalization: Braudel
Can You Create Creativity?
Do Average People Know More Than Their Leaders?
Iraqi Guangxi
Splogs, Blogs and "News"
"There is no alternative to being yourself"
Is There a Cycle to War?
Leisure, Time and Valentines
Is the Web a Giant Copy Machine?
Science Matters
Anti-Missile Defense: Boost Phase Vulnerability
The Strolling Bones: Rock of Ages
Bad Karma: Election Fraud 1960
Hiroshima: First Use
All the Tea in China, All the Ginseng in America
Friday Quiz
Pet Obesity
Human Diseases
Wine and Alzheimers
Biggest Consumers of Chocolate
2005-06 archives
2007 archives
Essential Books
The Misbehavior of Markets
Boiling Point (Global Warming)
Our Stolen Future: How We Are Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival
How We Know What Isn't So
Fewer: How the New Demography of Depopulation Will Shape Our Future
The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future
The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
The Future of Life
Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's Peak
The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies
Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy
The Solar Economy: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures
Running On Empty: How The Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About It
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Revised and Updated .
The Fourth Turning
Recommended Books
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